Blog : Marketing and Advertising: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Marketing and Advertising: Two Sides of the Same Coin

From the very beginning, all of us have been listening to the term Advertising. Once we entered into schools and reached to higher classes, we began listening to Marketing. Many people still believe that Marketing and Advertising are two different terms. If you are among these people, then I am sorry, you are wrong!

Marketing and Advertising are two concepts that have similar objective. The target goal of Marketing and Advertising is similar. However, the actual results might differ in the magnitude of expected results. Both of these terms are applied by companies in order to acquire the maximum share in the consumer market in the field of their respective products and services.

Though these terms are similar, but they do have many differences. That is why they are NOT the same side of the coin but two different Sides of the coin. In this blog, we have mentioned major difference and similarities in Marketing and Advertising.



Marketing is a creative yet delicate process that includes various aspects of designing, research work, and related activities. All these activities are executed to achieve the common goal of promoting a product and establishing a communication channel with the target audience. Marketing helps companies and brands to define their products and services in front of the people in a much creative and informative way.

How to do Marketing?


Marketing involves a comprehensive work of research and analysis. For the same purpose, many firms have set up a separate segment of marketing experts who are engaged in identifying opportunities and threats of the consumer market. Their work involves studying the customer's response and creating a medium and design that can influence and satisfy the taste and preferences of the customers.

Customers respond to slogans and images in a better way and these are some of the methods that help companies in establishing a better communication channel. Marketing Strategies are further broken down into 4 Ps', i.e. Product, Place, Price, and Promotion. The basic idea behind marketing campaigns is to explain consumers about the products and services, creating a distribution channel, fixing a price for the product, and running promotional activities.


Advertising can be termed as an important part of Marketing. It is a straightforward process of introducing a product or service in front of the audience. It usually includes information related to the product or service offered by the company. An advertising campaign can have a really great impact in the creating a better position of the firm in the media.

How to Do Advertising


Advertising spreads the word out about the products or services offered by a company. It is usually done with the help of advertising campaigns that are created as per the tastes and preference of the target audience. An effective advertising campaign usually creates tan excitement for a product or a service.

The Similarities between Marketing and Advertising

If you have reached so far in our article, then you must have understood that Advertising is a part of Marketing. Marketing refers to introducing a product and creating its design, Advertising helps in creating hype for that product or service through various campaigns. Marketing affect the customer's behavior while advertising creates a demand for that product in the market.

Both of these strategies are done for the common purpose of capturing a larger share in the consumer market. While Marketing is controlled and has a wide-reach, Advertising on the other hand is limited to introducing the brand. A company or a brand not just has to focus on investing in marketing strategies, it also has to give the same importance to advertising a product or service.

Marketing and Advertising are correlated terms. One without the other is irrelevant.


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